Dealing with the death of a loved one is an incredibly emotional and stressful time. Grief is very personal, and you need to feel free to feel how you feel, not try to hide it or deny it. Friends and family often struggle to know what to say and they may be dealing with the loss themselves. Sometimes you may feel under pressure to ‘move on’ before you are ready.
It’s important that you allow yourself the time and space to work through your thoughts and emotions which may be overwhelming, conflicting and mentally and physically exhausting.
I will work closely with you to help you understand your feelings, to process your situation or the experience of loss, in a safe and non-judgemental place.
Grief is not simply about sadness, it is far more complicated and may involve a range of intense and conflicting emotions including shock, pain, anger, relief, guilt and depression. We will work together to help you start to process the loss and I will support and encourage you to find a way to move on, in your own time and way.
Have you ever wondered why you are in another bad relationship? Have you ever asked yourself – what have I done to deserve this? Maybe you recognise that you struggle to be fully present in some or all relationships?
Often this is the impact of past experiences that continues to affect how you are in current relationships. If you have experienced neglect or found yourself in a controlling relationship you no doubt struggle to have a sense of who you are. Your self-esteem and confidence may have been eroded away, leaving you with limited expectations for yourself and your life. Even if the neglect or control is no longer happening, it leaves its mark, which can be a crippling burden to carry, It’s important to realise that you do not have to continue these unhealthy cycles - I can help you when you are ready to make changes.